In order to register, please complete a simple registration process on the website. We will respond to you after reviewing your information at the earliest.

Listing of products on is absolutely free. We do not charge anything to you for listing your product online. You only pay a small commission for what you sell. The commission structure is shared and agreed with you at the time of registration.

To sell on, you should be able to meet following criteria:

You should be authorized to sell in India.

You can be any of the following: Designer, Manufacturer, Wholesaler, Distributor, Retailer.

You can only sell new and genuine products through

You can sell items in the following categories: Men, Women and Kids Clothing, Fabric, Uniform, Men, Women and kids Accessories (Jewellery, Footwear, Bags, Sunglasses, Perfumes, etc), More categories are coming soon. Please Contact Us to know more.

Selling on is very easy. First, you need to register yourself on MobileDarzi seller central and list the products that you want to sell on The customer sees your product and makes a purchase. You will receive a notification on your vendor admin section and also an email to pack the product. After packing of the product you need to update the order status ready to pic then our delivery boy will come to you and get the product and delivered to the customer. Delivery boy will deliver the product to the customer and confirm shipment. MobileDarzi will deposit the funds into your bank account (as per the payment term) after deducting its fees.

To start selling, you need to have the following:

  • PAN Card

  • VAT/CST Number

  • Bank Account

After you submit required information and all the required documents have been verified, you can start listing your products and start selling.

Payments are credited directly into the Current Account of Sellers through NEFT. The Initial Payment cycle on which we sign up is (1+15) delivery basis wherein there are 2 payment cycles within a month.

MobileDarzi offers a unified seller dashboard and mobile app to operate your seller front. You can manage the orders through the “Manage Orders” tab in the seller panel. Once you receive an order you need to pack the ordered goods in the MobileDarzi provided packaging material and keep it ready for pick up & dispatch for our logistics partners.

You are free to cancel anytime.