If you want to protect your property, there is no way that you let bugs and terminates that affect them. These terminates ruins beautiful things, especially things that are made of wood and other hard substances.

Signs of terminates

Terminates are very tiny and that you hardly can see them in normal condition, However, there are signs of terminates you can spot in order to take actions as soon as possible. There can be wood damages that can be found under the surface of tables, floors and walls. These wooden floors are the frequent location that terminates visit. Also, you can also find terminates wings around the places that they commonly go by such as windows, door and home access.

Ways to treat terminates

  1. Permethrin Dust

The chemical is powerful and that it can help on killing termites almost instantly. This is a mere natural insecticide that can linger on hard surface for things for a really long time. This would make terminates will be afraid of coming near by to these things. This natural insenticide is not only good for ants, ticks and wasps but also other types of insects as well. There fore, you should know how to make use of this ingredient to remain happy and clean home as you always wishes.

Here is how:

  • Dilute few hundreds ml of this insecticide with water.

  • Infuse this solution into a bottle.

  • Spray it into the places that terminates frequently visit.

  • You Should go away for a while (around one or two hours) for the pesticide to take effect and remain the doors closed before getting back home.

  • The reason you need to wait is to both let the chemical take effects as well as not letting them to do harm to your body.

2. Low temperature

Terminates are normally survive in the normal weather, with temperature being around 35-37 degree celsius. If you want them not to thrive in the condition, it is simple that you can let the inside-weather being under this level, much cooler or cold. This would make them not to grow and some of them can be got rid of quite effectively. You can use turn the air-con down for this method, maintaining it being around under 20 celsius for the best result.

You should keep this for around one to few days then all you need is to clean your house.

After that, you are advised for keeping your house clean for dirty how with dusk and other products are also the factors causing terminates.

3. Using cardboard trap

This tips is really effective that there have been so many people swearing by. The key for this is that terminates would like to be feeded in cardboard. They use the cellulose in these cardboard to survive. Therefore, you can trap them with few strips of cardboards to find perfect result. Here is how to:

  • Take out few strips of cardboards then wet them/.

  • Let them in the areas where can be found with most terminates such as under the ground, on the floors, or in the nearby areas with wood.

  • Throw them their then leave it for few hours.

  • Once terminates are traps, you just need to take these cardboards away then burn them completely.

  • Replace with the new ones until cardboards are completely gone.

4. Microwave spot treatment

Unlike the way mentioned above, termintates can also be treated with heat. The heat keep them far away from the things and can even kill them. It is the high temperature wave that can kill the bugs and terminates. This method will leave them no place to reside and ruins our thing more effectively. However, this method should be carried carefully by professional, not by yourself.

You are advised to call the infestation control company to have better safeness.

5. Heal Cracks home

Along with tips that can save your home from terminates, here is another very helpful tip to keep terminates at bay from the very beginning. You should heal all the open cracks at home, which are the places that terminates come from. By this way, they cannot even enter your home, not to mention that can thrive and ruin your property.

You should use black glue to cover, alternatively, you could just simply cover the cracks by wetted cardboards. This would also help.

6. Keep your home Dry

They say; Better prevention rather than treat. This is true, in almost case and getting rid of terminates is not an exception. Keeping your home clean and dry is not only prevention for terminates but also bugs and mosquiter and other insects that do harm to your health and your property. The only way to do so is to clean your house regularly, twice or thrice per week. In case of humid weather, you had better equipped your house with a machine that could absorb all the extra humidity. This would save your house, keeping it dry and clean.

These are very helpful tips and tricks you should use in order to stay away from insects and terminates are the most common ones. However, you need to patient and follow these tips strictly and you will find better result.